Wanna make the dreariest, lousiest month FLY BY? Join us for our 31-day challenge, "Move it March '24." If you want to participate, the rules are super simple. Get outside and walk, or run, one continuous mile each day in March. If you miss a day, you are out. You must log your activity on the day you do it. You cannot retroactively log your mile once that calendar day has passed. Remember, you must cover at least one mile outside under your own power - no treadmills or mopeds!
There. That's it! Like we said, this is super simple!
The boring part:
To sign up, first you must go to your Strava account. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Strava, it is a social media app for sharing activities like running, swimming, etc. This app has a free version which offers what you need to join March Out '24.
Once you're in Strava, search for March Out '24 under "Groups" then "Clubs," if you're on your phone, or if on the website, under "Explore" at the top of the page.
How to participate:
-Request to join the club by clicking on the orange circle "Request to join." All requests will be accepted on February 29th in time for March 1.
-After you complete your daily mile (walk, run, hike, or snowshoe), make sure you either sync your device or add it manually to Strava.
-Those who don't register a mile each day will be disqualified. Which is good news for you! The more people who miss a day, the better the odds are for those who make it to the end.
The fun part:
Halfway through March, if you're still in, you might win a pair of Saucony shoes to get you through the end of the month! And if you make it to the end of March, you could win one of three pairs of Saucony running shoes, or store merch, or one of two gift cards to Rhode Races!
If you were so fortunate as to win the Mid-month shoe prize, you won't be eligible for another pair of shoes but you will still be eligible to win the other prizes.
If you have questions, reply to this email or call the store and we will do our best to help you! See you in March!