8-mile and 4-mile events
Course Description: The terrain of the course is primarily dirt trails, with some dirt and asphalt roads. In order to minimize bunching up at the trail entrance, we will utilize a wave start and the race will first run just under under one mile on Sanctuary Road, a quiet dead-end dirt road with very little traffic. At that point, the 8-mile course will branch to the right and follow single-track trails counter clockwise around Watchaug Pond, finishing back at the picnic area parking lot. The 4-mile course will continue straight on Sanctuary Road, before branching off to trails in the DEM-owned Kimball Preserve, making a loop through Burlingame State Park campground, and returning to same start/finish via Sanctuary Road.
Requirement: Each participant and volunteer must wear at least 200 square inches of orange. Anyone not wearing orange will not be allowed to race per State of RI DEM mandate.
Waves: Based upon participant feedback and to minimize bottlenecks going into single-track trails, we will have waves of 50 at a time, based upon provided 5K times. More info in final race instructions.
More Info: http://www.westerlytrackclub.org/rhody.html