Night Running: The Bright Side

Few things are more exhilarating than running at night, powered by your own feet, relying mostly on one sense (your ears), for input. With the dark season upon us, many find that running before light, or after dark, is the only way to get your run in when you work full time. 

Rather than dread this nocturnal mission, we are here to say you should love it.  There have been many times that we have written about how to run in the dark, providing safety tips and product suggestions. This is not one of those times. This is about how to embrace the low light of the season, and how to use it to transform your run in the dark to something magical, mysterious, slightly scary, and yes, fun.

Here’s how, and why:

1- You own the street, and maybe the world. There’s something otherworldly about moving beneath a nighttime sky, sparkling with stars, with cool air whispering through the trees and cooling off your skin. When you run at night, although it’s dark, you see so much. You see your town slowly waking up, kitchen light by kitchen light, to a new morning. You share the dark with a set of glowing eyes that quickly turn away and disappear, as their owner moves deeper into the dark. You have your thoughts, your courage, your imagination, and of course, your feet.  Life is suddenly very simple.

2. Fewer obstacles to negotiate. Not many people are as dedicated as you (or so you tell yourself while pulling on compression socks) so you don’t have to share your journey  (or the sidewalk) with anyone. While others stick to the treadmill or couch come wintertime, you can run down the middle of the street with impunity. No cars, no pedestrians, no bikes. And when you do cross paths with another runner, there’s a strong feeling of solidarity, and respect. 

3. Sharpens your connection to your body. By using your eyes less, and your lower-level proprioceptive skills more, each time you connect with the ground, you challenge and hone balance and stability. Your body goes into a more reactive, automatic state with better reflexes and senses.

4. Cooler temperatures. We are the first to admit that summer running is amazing. But we can’t forget how energizing cool night air can be!

5. More confidence. Some of us, especially in the beginning stages, lack confidence as a runner. Whether it’s the form, the speed, or the tights (!) running takes confidence. When you’re in the pitch dark, no one can see you. It’s really freeing. And seriously, have you ever come this close to being a ninja, dashing around in the dark in sleek outerwear? With continued running comes more confidence, and running at night kickstarts this process.

6.  See it all. And while no one sees you, you see everything. In addition to unbelievable photo ops, you’ll see amazing sunrises and sunsets, learn the rhythm of your town, and observe wildlife. Stop your Garmin, and take that picture, and look at it later to remind yourself how truly awesome you are.

7. Creativity is unleashed. When you’re running in the dark, your mind runs as well. With fewer distractions, you can mull over challenges, work through problems, and sometimes have that genius solution pop, unannounced, into your head. There is no better way to bust through writer's block and anxious thoughts.  It pays for itself with not only health, but also mental clarity, heightened creativity, and of course, inspiration. 

Now that you’re all inspired and wishing for darkness to fall, take a moment to ensure you’re following these guidelines: 

1-Be visible: you need reflective and high viz gear

2-Have visibility: a headlamp and or a small flashlight to train on the ground

3-Mapped out route: choose a well lit area

4-Safety precautions: tell someone your route and ETA

5-ABSOLUTELY skip the music. You need your ears!

So make your next run a night run and let us know what you think!  We hope to see you out there one of these dark mornings.


Running in the Cold 101: 10 tips for getting out there this winter